I was walking home on sunday when i saw a man walked past me with a little girl following behind. The man, i presumed is the father, was guiding the girl with an umbrella which she was pulling. The father looked back every now and then to check on her, and as he does so I could see this faint smile and a little joy in his expression. It reminds me of the bits of happiness we can have in our daily lives if we just pay attention.
Then it also came to me that in our fast pace lifestyle in an urban jungle, parents might forget that they are the best educator to their own child. Instead they pass the responsibility to 'renowned' schools or education centers, paying huge fees and then resulting to even more time at work to make up for those money. Do we forget that the parents' foot steps are what the children would ultimately follow? Who the parents' are would inevitably be what the children become.
News Link HereI think this is a bad idea right from the start. I understand that other party may be using a mascot to appeal to voters, but mascot is one thing, having a minister dressing up as a failed version of Zorro is another. If Lim Swee Say is trying to work on his charisma, I suggest he should start from the little things. For example, fixing his frizzy hair before attending parliament debates. That could be easily done, instead of putting on costumes, dancing hiphop or selectively appearing on tv shows inorder to look cool. Share
I remember a time when we had no shower head,Where my body is small enough for me to jump into our bathing tub and play pirate.I remember a time when I had no electronic games,Where I am the architect of my own world and the creator of everything possible.I remember a time when I was too young to travel far,Where I climbed to unlock the gates and sneak-out when my mum is asleep.I remember a time when I wished I had everything,Where I screamed and shouted till my parents took out their money to make purchase.I remember a time when I do not question about my existence,Where I laid on the floor staring at the ceiling and think that must be how death is like.I remember a time when I was chased by my mum with a cane,Where I cried and then laughed at how the marks on my body resemble French fries.I remember a time when I felt things are no longer simple,Where I lied and cheated to get what I want.I remember a time when I realized my self-esteem,Where I am envious of others and hated myself.I remember a time when I was lost,Where I hid myself in denial and failed to see that there’s more outside the shell.I remember a time when I needed to change,Where I took courage to seek the meaning of happiness.I remember my sense of freedom, when I could smile in the mirror, how much I hate obligations, disregarding afterlife and how it all began, lessons learnt, started paying attention to things around me, my forever pursuit of happiness, and then I was there scooping water from a pail to wash my toil as I recall myself playing in the big bathing tub. I am thankful.Share